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Helicopter Anti-Submarine
Squadron Light
Four Six


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     The Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System (LAMPS) MARK III SH-60B "SEAHAWK" weapons system that the men and women of HSL-46 operate is relatively new, introduced in 1984, yet it has exceeded all expectations of the the fleet users. It is the most capable and advanced multi-mission airborne platform in use today.

     The mission of HSL-46 is to train and support combat ready detachments for assignments to LAMPS MARK III capable ships of the Atlantic Fleet. The LAMPS program is designed to combine both ship and helicopter weapons and systems for the most effective mission performance. The helicopter mission systems are totally integrated into the world’s most technologically advanced ships, thereby greatly extending the combat horizon of the ship. The combined systems provide for earlier warning of surface contacts and longer range prosecution of suspected subsurface contacts. In addition to the primary missions of Under Sea Warfare (USW) and Surface Warfare (SUW), the LAMPS MK III helicopter’s mission include Search and Rescue, Vertical Replenishment, and Medical Evacuations.

     HSL-46 was established at Mayport, FL on April 7, 1988 and currently deploys ten detachments aboard Atlantic Fleet ships. A detachment normally consists of one or two aircraft, four to six pilots, two to three sensor operators, a maintenance chief, and eight to twelve maintenance personnel. A typical "Det" deploys with its assigned ship for six months, with several shorter "work-up" cruises prior to the long deployments.

     The USW and SUW missions have often been compared to a chess game. All are pursuits in subtlety and finesse requiring consummate strategic planning and tactical thought. "Grandmasters" is a title bestowed on those who have achieved international standing in chess through tactical expertise and demonstrated competence. The professionals of HSL-46 are dedicated to those same ideals and possess the same commitment to excellence that "Grandmasters" exhibit, hence the squadron’s nickname.

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